Guests who are staying on site at CJH can enter by the farmyard entrance behind the house. There is plenty of parking for cars here and it is close to the check-in office. For guests who aren’t staying on site there is a carpark right next to the Main Gates. No cars are allowed to park in front of the house as this area is for guests to enjoy. If any guests have limited mobility please let us know and they can be dropped off at the front of the house.
Is there a cashpoint machine in Cloughjordan?
The local shop in the village has a cash machine and can offer cash back for a purchase of €10 or more. Guests can otherwise pay for their room and any bar tab with their credit or debit card.
Time of check in / check out for guests?
1pm check in, 11am check-out
Got further questions??
Please feel free to reach out to Laura on 0044 7533331112 or Matt on 0044 7951282862 at any stage